
Kentlands Swim Team Board Elections

Hello Kingfish families,

We hope you all are getting back into the swing of school schedules and enjoying the fall weather, but we are already planning for next summer and another great year for the Kentlands Kingfish.

This email serves to provide notice of the election for 3 open positions of the 5 seats on the Kentlands Kingfish Board for a 2-year term. The Kingfish Election Process and Timeline documents have been linked and posted on the team website. They explain the election process and timeline. Nominations will be accepted for 3 open Board positions this year:

  • A Meet Rep

  • Volunteer Coordinator

  • Treasurer

Interested candidates should contact Kelly Steggles [email protected] to submit a candidate profile document (attached) by September 22nd to be included in the election.

We have candidates who have expressed interest in these open Board seats but anyone who wants to serve may stand for election or can reach out if they need help to find a Co-Rep to run with. Co-Reps are eligible to share a position but will only get one vote on the Board.

Brief description of the positions:

  • The “A” Meet Representative serves as the President of the Kentlands Kingfish Swim Team, overseeing all aspects of meet management, and ensuring adherence to MCSL rules. They act as the primary liaison between the Head Coach and both the parents and the Swim Team Board, discussing expectations and providing performance evaluations. The “A” Meet Representative may also serve on the Interview Committee during coach hiring and is a voting member of the Swim Team Board. Additionally, as President, they liaise with the Kentlands Citizens Assembly, manage the work of the Swim Team Board and committees, and preside over meetings.
  • The Volunteer Coordinator serves as the Secretary of the Swim Team Board, responsible for recruiting volunteers and coordinating opportunities, as well as recording meeting proceedings and managing correspondence. Elected in even-numbered years, the Coordinator maintains Bylaws, updates meeting minutes, and performs additional tasks assigned by the Board.
  • The Treasurer of the Swim Team Board is responsible for preparing the annual budget, establishing membership fees, and managing all fiscal matters, including any revisions to the budget. They must present a written budget and financial statement at the spring meeting and provide preliminary year-end financial statements at the post-season banquet, with final statements being made available to Swim Team Families after December 31st.

Full Descriptions of the positions can be found on the Kentlands Kingfish website in the 2022 bylaws.

The following lists our open Board positions (marked YES) and current Board members:

Board Position Current Board Members Up for Election
“A” Meet Rep/Automation Gretchen Dourgarian & Eileen Kao No
“A” Meet Rep/Meet Management/President of Kingfish Christy Shafer & Mia Joelsson Yes
“B” Meet Rep/Meet Management Rachel Sumrow & Nikki North No
Volunteer Coordinator Mimi Zaw-Pham Yes
Treasurer Jennifer Nash Yes

Please consider volunteering for these important positions!

Thank you,

Kentlands Kingfish Nominating Committee

Kelly Steggles

Ryan Bess

Leyla Esfandiary

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