Volunteer Commitment -- Parent Participation Code
The following Parent Participation Code is in effect throughout the season.
Team Parents
As all returning Kentlands Kingfish parents know (and new parents will find out), it takes a tremendous number of volunteers to put on a swim meet. Swim meets normally require up to 50 adults to handle all of the roles of timekeepers, officials, and concessions. To ensure that we have adequate coverage for every meet, a parent should plan on volunteering for any meet in which their child is participating. This does not mean you will have to work every meet, but if your child is swimming either in an A or B meet, please check the sign-up on the website and sign-up in any open spot available. Positions are open until 8:00 pm two days before the event - after that you can contact the Volunteer Coordinator to help you sign up. for an open position. Other than "Official" spots for which you must be certified, everything else is easy to do and can be learned in a few minutes. This summer, the volunteer requirement will be 25 hours per family.
If you are signed up for a role and a conflict arises that prevents you from fulfilling your role, please notify the Volunteer Coordinator with as much notice as possible so the role can be filled.
Time Trials - All parents are expected to volunteer at the Kingfish Time Trials. This is our first meet of the year. The whole team participates so the kids can get their starting/qualifying times. This meet requires more volunteers since there is no opposing team to share the workload. Time Trials is a great time to try new volunteer roles and to meet other Kingfish parents. Hours worked at Time Trials this year will count toward your required hours for the summer.
Pre-Team - If your child is on the Pre Team, we request that the parents volunteer at 1 Kingfish home meet. Pre Team swimmers are part of the team and are eligible to attend all team activities. When Pre Team swimmers move up to the team parent volunteer commitment increase to that of the swim team.
If everyone does their share there should be no disparity in volunteering times.
It takes every family doing their share to ensure a great summer swim season for all. Since hours are earned at Time Trials this year, we are asking each family to work 25 hours over the course of the summer.